Monday, February 13, 2012

Now I have All the stars!

Guess what, just yesterday, I was trying to get the last star, place 100 blocks in your room. I put as much as I can and then realized that decorated cubes don't count as blocks (such as the chinese ones from the china gacha)  So while I was playing the valentine gacha I got a few blocks. Thanks to those, when I placed them I was happy to finally get the star! YAY! Plus, it is totally worth it because you get  A THOUSAND GUMMIES! Hope you guys get a lot stars too! If you have any questions about how to do them then please comment below!


Saturday, February 11, 2012

I got 52 stars !

Hey, guess how much I'm evolving in pico? XD. I have 52 stars! :D I got all the stars except for the 100 blocks star. I have a hundred blocks but they are not all the big size most are thin but I tried putting them but did not get star. Well so I had 49 but now I have 52 because I did the game stars! Here is how I did it. I got my facebook account pico and went to reversi/cardmatch/pirateRPS and I made my facebook account give up a hundred times and I got a star!! Why? Because if the other person gives up the person who didn't give up is considered the winner! :D! so for all of those games I won 500 gummies which I spent on the valentine gacha which gave me stupid boring balloons and cupcakes -_-. But at least I got 52 stars! :DDDD

See in the upper right corner it says 52 stars! :D just for proof haha.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Cool fonts for fun !

Hey I just wanted to repost on the 'cool letters' post because it's all the way on the bottom of my blog so I thought you guys might not know about it. Well here I will copy and paste the cool letter for your names on pico.

α в ¢ ∂ є ƒ g ԍ н ι נ к ℓ м η σ ρ q я ѕ т ԏ υ νω χ у z
♥ ♦ ♣♡ ♦ ♢ ♠♥ ♠ ♣❥ ❦ ❧♔ ♕ ♚ ♛™ © ® ℘ ℑ ℜ ℵ
♪♫♭ ♪☆ ✮ ✯
z ʎ x ʌ n ʇ s ɹ b d o u ɯ l ʞ ɾ ı ɥ ƃ ɟ ǝ p ɔ q ɐ
á b ć d é f g h í j k l m ń ő p q ŕ ś t ú v w x ý ź 
Á ß Č Ď Ĕ Ŧ Ğ Ĥ Ĩ Ĵ Ķ Ĺ М Ń Ő Р Q Ŕ Ś Ť Ú V Ŵ Ж Ŷ Ź 
◣◢◥▲▼△▽⊿◤ ◥▆ ▇ █ █ ■ ▓ 回 □ 〓≡ ╝╚╔ ╗╬ ═ ╓ ╩ ┠ ┨┯ ┷┏┓┗ ┛┳⊥﹃﹄┌ ┐└ ┘∟「」
❣ ✚ ✪ ✣ ✤ ✥ ✦ ❉❥ ❦ ❧ ❃ ❂ ❁ ❀ ✄ ☪ ☣ ☢ ☠ ☭ ♈ ➸✉ ✦ ✧ ♱ ♰ ♂ ♀ ☿ ❤ ❥ ❦ ❧ ™ ® © ♡ ♦ ♢ ♔ ♕ ♚ ♛ ★ ☆ ✮ ✯ ☄ ☾ ☽ ☼ ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☻ ☺ ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ ⓖ ⓗ ⓘ ⓙ ⓚ ⓛ ⓜ ⓝ ⓞ ⓟ ⓠ ⓡ ⓢ ⓣ ⓤ ⓥ ⓦ ⓧ ⓨ ⓩ there is more I will edit okay

Ameba Pico Film !

Me and one of my class friends decided to start working on a little movie in pico. We're gonna make the script and take pictures and put them together to make a film! We still need some people to volunteer. If you want to volunteer please leave a comment starting on February 10th to February 17th.

Thank You!


Saturday, February 4, 2012


Ehh....I really want AG :(. I'm not playing the Pico Casino much anymore. Well, guess what? I saw this blog I thought was pretty cool and I wanted to share it! Here's the URL:

It's really nice! It says on the blog that the owner just started it and she needs ideas so maybe you post some comments to help or give her ideas!

Let me update my blog with a few of my latest photos I'd like to share.

The Egyptian Queen isn't really pretty...

Oopsy Daisy I tripped! xD

Did I already post this pic or was that only on facebook? Anyways, it's the butter family pose!

Queen of London! xD

Yo! I'm blue Daba Dee Daba Dye!

This is my facebook pico. Cool pic huh?
Well, I hope you guyz like my blog! Please share it with your friends! Thank You! Any advice goes in the comments! See ya guys! Bye :)
